Assessing the Old & New Year

My goals for 2016 are pretty similar to last year: photograph every day, submit work for exhibition, getting a full-time gig.  2015 was a really tough year for me personally.  And when I think of the things that made it harder for me, it comes down to not trusting my intuition.  My intuition always seems to be right.  So this year, I really want to focus on listening to what my intuition is telling me.  Go with your gut!

Photo by Jim Mayfield

Photo by Jim Mayfield

Professionally, it was a great year for me.  I went through two grueling rounds as a candidate for a full-time job.   And although I like to "win", I'm glad I wasn't chosen for that job.  It just wasn't right for me.  I came out of the whole experience much more prepared for interviews and teaching demos in the future.  I also gave my first artist lecture at a conference, speaking to the largest group of people I have ever spoken to before.  And I'm proud of my preparation and performance.  Additionally, I received 2 grants in 2015 which enabled me to travel to New Orleans and Louisville for SPE conferences.  And I received another grant for this year's conference in Las Vegas!   Most importantly, I really focused on my new body of work.  I feel like I have still just begun on what may be a very long term project, but I know that I have made some major gains this year primarily because I took the time to photograph nearly every day and to review and print and study my work.  In 2016, I want to make this even more of a priority.  As a mom and super-commuter adjunct professor teaching at 3 schools in 3 cities,  it is really challenging to find a place and time for creative work.  But I also know that I can do it.